Saturday, September 7, 2013

Hiking Club

At this school all the kids have to do a special Saturday morning "Bryant activity" before they reach their junior year. As members of the gap program, we have the option of participating in one of the Bryant activities or sleeping in on Saturday mornings. I chose the middle ground: hiking. It's a low stress activity that doesn't require much brain power but will get me out moving on Saturday mornings and seeing parts of the island and gorgeous views that I otherwise wouldn't ever get the chance to see. On the other hand, if I ever feel a strong urge to sleep in on a Saturday, I have that option since hiking is sort of one of the more laid back activities (as opposed to horse back riding or scuba).

Today we hiked a part of an olle (올레) trail, one of several long pedestrian roads that snake across the island's coastal region. I believe we were on this trail.

We hiked along the coast for a while, and saw where the Japanese hid out during their occupation of Korea, awaiting an attack by the Americans. We saw a cave and bright red crabs, and outdoor booths selling dried squid, and fishermen. After a while we turned and went up one of the coastal oreums, hiking to the top until we could see the ocean spread out on one side and on the other, patched farm land stretching into the distance. The weather was muggy and it started raining towards the end of our hike, but comfortable enough for a summer day.

When we returned to school I helped the kids practice football (soccer) for the house competition on Monday, and then I learned how to play squash, which is fun but so so so hard. 

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