Friday, January 10, 2014

Jim Thompson's House

One of the few things that was really recommended for me to do in Thailand was to visit Jim Thompson's house in Bangkok. The house, located in the middle of the city, is like an oasis of green. Stepping out of the cab and into the walled enclosure we found ourselves surrounded by western-inspired Thai architecture and a beautifully tended garden. 

My favorite part about the experience is that rather than just blundering our way around the house, we were given a free guided tour through the premises. Our tour guide was funny and informative, explaining the different artifacts, art collection, and architectural points of interest. 

Another highlight of the day is that we were able to explore the house with Kirsten! A California native, Kirsten is currently on a three month exploration of Asia. We met for the first time way back in October when we stayed at the same hostel in Seoul. Just by coincidence we were in Bangkok at the same time, so we decided to meet up.

I really recommend a visit to Jim Thompson's House if you ever find yourself in Bangkok. The house itself, and the story behind it, are really cool. Jim Thompson was an American who singlehandedly made Thailand famous for silk goods. He took the already established Thai silk cottage industry and expanded it into global markets. He set up his house in Thailand before disappearing forever into the Cambodian jungle. He was never found and his body was never recovered. Some think that since he was in the CIA, his enemies finally caught up to him. Others say he probably just fell down a ditch. 

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